How to backup the files from the Avast Virus Chest?

Avast-Support Helpline--Number AU +61-283173532

Avast Virus Chest is a productivity tool that identifies the infectious website as a threat and ultimately, stores it. It blocks the system to affect and examines the file that may possibly damage the system. Once it retrieves, you will encounter the issue of false positive. These files can be restored through the steps provided below:-

  1. Go to the Avast Antivirus icon present on your desktop. You may also click on the start menu to browse for the name.
  2. Then, choose the version of your software.
  3. Click on the scan button and move further to scan for viruses. If you aren’t able to locate the tab, you are possibly having the earlier version of the program. Being said that; locate the scanning window on the left-hand side.
  4. Locate the quarantine option on the bottom of the scans. This would redirect you towards the Chest.
  5. Double-click over the file which you look to restore in the chest. To identify the name of the particular file and avoiding the respective threat, check the data for the files which may include the names, location, modification, date to detect, and the number of viruses attached to it.
  6. Check the link to restore to send back the file to its respective position. For the prevention of files to end up in the place, choose the restoring and exclusion link.
  7. Go to submit the labs by clicking from the right-side of the mouse if you look for submitting the file as false positives.

Once you have submitted the form, look for false positive and enter the details as provided. After you have done, one by one check the submission of the reports through the main site.

Contact us at our Avast support phone number +61-283173532 to talk to our professionals. You can any day pick up your telephone to dial this toll-free number. You may also come to our website to get in touch with our technicians through the live chat window. We first listen to your problems and eradicate them wholly so it doesn’t create menace in future.

How to change my credit card in Avast Antivirus?

Avast-Support AU-Helpline--Number +61-283173532

When a new update comes in your Avast protection software, it asks you whether you want to do it or not. If you have already put it on auto-renewal, it would happen automatically with a notification stating the time scheduled for the renewing. In case the credit card information you provided has been modified, you must change it as quickly as possible to avoid any freezing up of application.

 Avast Technical Support guides you how to add information correctly

  1. Open the Avast customer portal in your internet browser.
  2. Place the id of your order and the password along with it.
  3. Now, locate your order through the navigations.
  4. Rush to the order details page, click on the managing the subscribing period. This must be located next to the product section which you want to change the information for.
  5. When you have driven through the subscribing of details window, go for editing the payment information under the accounts section.
  6. Choose the edit option for modifying the existing information of your credit card or go to adding a new payment method.
  7. Place the details well and go to the option of submission. This will replace your existing card to the new one.
  8. You may change the updated payment methods to the default one for ordering by clicking on to save as the default at the bottom of your screen. Just remember that if you encountered your previous credits to be expired, it is important to set the new one as a default. Auto-renewals are now updated.

If the website is legitimate, online payments are a secured gateway to promote transactions to and fro. If you want to gather more information regarding the antivirus, contact us at Avast Support Number +61-283173532 and get relieved of the issue entirely. We are a legitimate service provider that doesn’t leave any stone unturned in providing quick solutions.